For reasons I can not yet pin down, the Note reference (in your case the “Create Periodic Note” ref) is not automatically using the note’s file path as before, or the new version of Shortcuts isn’t automatically extracting it anymore, I can’t tell. Either way:
The note reference contains the file path of the note, it was automatically used before, it isn’t anymore, it seems. The workaround is to explicitly tell the object to use its “File Path” attribute by right-clicking or tapping the object/variable, then picking the attribute in the list.
This should do the trick, at least until I find out what’s the underlying problem here. Let me know if it does!
Update, several hours later: This seems to be a bug in iOS 18’s handling of certain custom objects (like AFO’s Note object). When you use a note reference/object (like the result of Get Note in the screenshots above) as argument for another “note at file path” parameter, it’ll work in iOS 17 and macOS 14 as expected – internally, the note object will return its file path, so “note at file path” parameter gets the right value.
In iOS 18.0 and macOS 15.0, this no longer works, and as far as I can tell from the official documentation on Apple’s developer site, it appears to be a bug.