Can I find by "data-id"

I am on and they list all their tools that allow you to checkmark which tools you want to export.

I have already used Browser actions to “press” the “Deselect all” button and now I want BA to “press” the checkbox next to the Youtube tool row to turn it on.


The unique identifier for each row is the “data-id” attribute and its probabaly the only way I will be able to press the checkbox via BA.

But the BA action does not seem to call it:

Here is a stripped down version of two rows, the Youtube one is the one I want to press the checkbox on.

<div jscontroller="vE1vyb" jsname="E6bu2c" jsaction="JIbuQc:FjfUbe(PE3haf); click:Q8pxEc(Ue9tsc);rcuQ6b:uBz4id" data-id="voice" data-enabled="true" data-is-visible="true" class="gGfIad ">
    <!-- Content related to Google Voice -->
<div jscontroller="vE1vyb" jsname="E6bu2c" jsaction="JIbuQc:FjfUbe(PE3haf); click:Q8pxEc(Ue9tsc);rcuQ6b:uBz4id" data-id="youtube" data-enabled="true" data-is-visible="true" class="gGfIad ">
    <!-- Content related to YouTube and YouTube Music -->

I am trying to test with “voice” but once I figure it out I will be using BA to press teh “Youtube” row.

The unique identifier for each row is the “data-id” attribute and its probabaly the only way I will be able to press the checkbox via BA.

But the BA action does not seem to call it:

Yes, because the selector is wrong – data-id="voice" means “the CSS element with the tag name data-id="voice", and that doesn’t exist. Since you want to find elements with this attribute/value combo, try div[data-id="voice"].


That did not work but I think it is because the checkbox is even deeper. I am going to have to brush up on my CSS it seems to get the checkbox which is deeper in the heirachy.

Thank you, I think this gave me a good headstart.

Oh. I asked ChatGPT to make up for my woefully out of date CSS skills and it gave me the correct answer!

Browser Actions selected that checkbox! Woot!!

Now onto the next step of my automation journey!

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Ah, okay. I thought the structure was different, that the div was acting as the visual representation of the checkbox, not its parent. In my defense, it was past midnight when I wrote my reply, somewhat bleary-eyes :wink:

Glad you got it working!