Create a daily journal entry

I’m having difficulty getting a shortcut to open daily journal (not daily note). This is what I have so far. Problem is the templater template appends a date to the file name so when I check it, and it exists, it failed. If it doesn’t exist already it works fine. What I am looking for is a shortcut that creates the “daily journal file + date” file using templater template, or opens it if not.

Hi @prattatx, welcome to the forum! The Create Note action in your screenshot doesn’t use the variables at all, it uses the initial result of the Text block. Maybe that’s the problem?

This should create a new note Assets/Journal/Gratitude Journal (with the current date):

If that’s not what you’re looking for, then I’ve probably misunderstood you – in that case, give me a few more details, and we’ll figure it out!

Thank you! You completely understood and gave me the direction I needed! Thank you for the help!

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