Create New Note question

I’m trying to use the “Create Note” action in an iOS shortcut. According to the documentation, it’s either supposted to take a text variable ans create the note from that, or use a template to create a note. However, I’ve got both options showing in the shortcut, and when I run it, I get a pop up from “Actions for Obsidian” asking "Which one?) with buttons for “insert note body” / “apply Templates (core plugin)” or “apply Templater” . Picking “insert note body” works, and I get the appropriate note built, but I don’t think I should be seeing that popup asking “Which one?”
version 1.4.2, latest ios on an iPhone. Obsidian is also up to date.

Welcome to the forum, @Daveb! Could you post a screenshot of the workflow in the editor, please? (You could also send me a mail to with the details if you want to keep it private.)