How can I direct my emailed 'notes to self' to a specific folder in my vault?

I’d like them all to go into an INBOX folder, so I can process them in bulk /sets.

The Note to self’ function / shortcut works really well, but I’d like to be able to direct the notes.

Any thoughts?

thank you

Welcome to the forum, @Alexander_Davies! I assume you’re talking about modifying ▶️ How to email a "Note to Self" to your Obsidian vault, correct? If so, take a look at the last action, the Create Note block. Currently, it says “Create note [(Mail Subject)] …” — change that to “Create note [INBOX/(Mail Subject)] …”. You’ll have to place the cursor in front of the “Mail Subject” variable, which can be a bit fiddly but it can be done :wink:


Great, that was fiddly as you said, but I persevered and it works. Many thanks

Presumably, I can add any file path instead of INBOX, EG FOLDER/SUBFOLDER/mail subject

And so could set up different actions to email notes to different folders …

Or could I set up the shortcut to ask for a file path input?

I’m new to shortcuts, but presumably I could have an ‘obsidian folder’ text variable that could be appended to the ‘Mail subject’

Presumably, I can add any file path instead of INBOX, EG FOLDER/SUBFOLDER/mail subject


And so could set up different actions to email notes to different folders …
Or could I set up the shortcut to ask for a file path input?

You could, but that workflow is triggered by incoming mail so you might not be around in that particular moment when Shortcuts asks you for a path, in which case Shortcuts would wait for your input. I guess that a) you don’t want to enter that path manually every time and b) you have a tiny set of possible target folders, so I would …

  1. set up a list of possible target folders
  2. select from that list
  3. use the selection as part of the “File path” parameter in the Create Note action