Is it possibile to add text to the daily note completely in background?

Hi, with AFO I was able to create a shortcut to add text to the current daily note. What I would like to achieve, though, is to have it completely run in the background, what I mean with that is to invoke Siri with my voice, spoke the name of the command, dictate the text and have the text be appended to the current daily note without obsidian opening or having to interact with the phone. Is this possible?

Welcome to the forum, @Project!

Currently, that’s not possible, I’m afraid. It’s caused by the type of API that Obsidian is exposing, see the FAQ:

Why does Obsidian jump in and out of focus when a workflow is running?

Thanks for the replay Carlo, I was afraid this wasn’t possibile but I wanted to be sure given my lack of experience with the shortcut app

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