New Knowledge Base

Those last two weeks I worked on overhauling the documentation for my apps, and over the weekend I’ve relaunched the entirely revamped Knowledge Base. I’ve tried to better document every single action, and also the custom objects that are passed between actions, like Actions For Obsidian’s Note snapshot/reference or UI Actions’ Running App snapshot/reference.

It’s a work in progress, and it’ll only grow over time. For example, my plan is to add links to the action docs pages, pointing to relevant forum posts or YT explainers (where applicable).

These efforts will reflect in the upcoming app versions – the biggest part of each page is generated from the in-app documentation, i.e. the intro, the parameters, and the result descriptions. I’m pretty happy with that setup!

What do you think? Any suggestions?

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I like the changes in the new knowledge base, especially how you identify objects associated with the actions. That helps a lot for determining how to process those results in Shortcuts.

I don’t think you need to use “snapshot/reference”; it’s simpler and more consistent as “reference”, such as “Note Reference”, like “Vault Reference”.

It’s appropriate to mention this is a “snapshot” from Obsidian in the description so we realize it won’t change if it does in Obsidian.

I like the additional information and examples throughout, especially on how to use Shortcut actions before and after AFO actions to work with parameters and results.

I was revisiting List All Folders, List All Files, and List All Notes; I think more needs to be done there, like allowing them to use a file path rather than the entire vault!

Also, it might be helpful to introduce a Folder Reference object, similar to Note Reference, so you could work with a specific folder after its selection.

It’s not really appropriate to list all folders or files in my vault since it now contains 1,070 folders and 7,578 files!

Even if I use the Actions app with Filter List, that’s a significant performance hit getting all those files so I can then filter them for my interest.

For example, I tried to get a list of folders within a particular folder path such as Efforts/Notes/Technology/App so I could work with specific app folders such as Arc Browser, Drafts, Obsidian, Shortcuts, Actions for Obsidian, etc.

To use Choose from List (in Actions), first I had to strip the parent folder path from each result, which was much easier to do inside a JavaScript action than separate Shortcut action logic.

However, when I selected the folder from the list, then I wanted to List All Files from the selected folder such as Actions for Obsidian to get a list of files inside that app folder.

My only option was then to retrieve all 7,578 files in my vault just so I could then filter them down to a specific app folder (which I had already selected).

It would be much better if you allows additional options for List All Folders and List All Files so you could specify a file path, rather than only the root directory of a vault.

Then I realized that maybe it would be better use Get Dataview List to obtain the files within a specific folder. But that returned a list of file links within double-brackets that I needed to strip, along with the parent folder path (with JavaScript) so I could list a list of files that I wanted so I might show them in Choose from List.

Perhaps Get Dataview Table would give me more flexibility since I could use WITHOUT ID so I only got the file name (not as a link inside double-brackets), along with other columns that I might use for filtering, sorting, or viewing.

This took me a little while to figure out, especially experimenting with Transform Text with JavaScript (from Actions) and Run JavaScript for Mac Automation. Perhaps, some additional examples in this area might be useful.

@doug78645, thanks for the input! :v:t3: I’ll go over your points one by one.

I like the changes in the new knowledge base, especially how you identify objects associated with the actions. That helps a lot for determining how to process those results in Shortcuts.

Thank you! I’m quite happy with the labels, glad you feel the same. They add a bit of visual clutter but I tried to keep it low-key.

I don’t think you need to use “snapshot/reference”; it’s simpler and more consistent as “reference”, such as “Note Reference”, like “Vault Reference”.

Agreed. Changed.

I was revisiting List All Folders, List All Files, and List All Notes; I think more needs to be done there, like allowing them to use a file path rather than the entire vault!

Agreed. I already put three new tasks “Add filtering capabilities” on my project todo list. :wink:

Perhaps Get Dataview Table would give me more flexibility since I could use WITHOUT ID so I only got the file name (not as a link inside double-brackets), along with other columns that I might use for filtering, sorting, or viewing.

Dataview also offers a LIST WITHOUT ID query type; when I read your paragraph there I realized I failed to mention that in Get Dataview List. I’ve just fixed that oversight.

Perhaps, some additional examples in this area might be useful.

I’d prefer to put something like that in the forum, but once that’s done, linking to it from the “Related Links” sections of the relevant docs pages would be good, yes!

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