Problem with Daily note with custom date format

Hi there,

I have the following custom date format for my daily notes: YYYY-MM-DD/[LOG] (I think this might be a recent feature I use v1.4.16 (114)

This seems to confuse all periodic note related actions. I tried append and get. Append fails with Can't write note file and get fails with Note couldn't be found.

Happy to beta test a fix when you have one. Would love to see it before the end of my 14-day trial period :pray:



Hi Jun, welcome to the forum!

The expected outcome when creating a daily note would be a new folder 2023-12-04 containing a file [LOG].md, is that correct? Or were you referencing the Daily Notes syntax, and the file is named

If it’s the former, a side note: Obsidian doesn’t allow square brackets in file names, so Actions URI (the companion plugin) will automatically replace them with hyphens.

Either way: I can confirm that folders in the periodic note paths pose a problem. Actions for Obsidian hands off the daily/weekly/etc note creation to a plugin by one of the Obsidian devs, Periodic Notes. Unfortunately, it seems to have issues with folders: liamcain/obsidian-periodic-notes · #179 · Format with folders doesn’t work as expected. Whether it’s an issue with this plugin or Obsidian itself, I can’t say for sure at this point — sorry.

As a workaround, this works fine for me when it comes to appending:

(Current Date is set to use the ISO-8601 date format, i.e. YYYY-MM-dd.) But you’ll notice that I’m using the Append Text To A Note action here, not it’s Periodic counterpart.

Happy to beta test a fix when you have one. Would love to see it before the end of my 14-day trial period :pray:

I’m not going to lie, it’s not going to happen in the next 14 days. But when a fix comes around, feel free to ping me, I’ll hook you up with another trial period! :slight_smile: