Release 2024.1.1, 2024.1.2, 2024.1.3 (iOS)

I’m happy to announce the release of Actions for Obsidian 2024.1 for both platforms. Get it on the App Store!

No longer broken

The “Link with a vault”, “Purchase a license”, and “What’s New” buttons/links didn’t work. It took a while and a frankly ridiculous amount of detective work but they’re back in business again. I apologize for the issues.


The buttons were fine, but iOS refused to show the sheets the buttons were supposed to bring up. The buttons correctly gave the “show the overlay/sheet” signal but iOS refused to do that.

The reason was that when you start the app after an update, the list of changes is brought up (“What’s New”), and right after that the Trial Notice is shown (if necessary). The latter took precedence, so iOS never actually showed the sheet, only the trial notice – but then it was convinced that the sheet was already open (it wasn’t), and would not open another sheet, rendering the buttons seemingly unresponsive.