Request: Support for Zen Browser

Hey there! As a big fan of workflow utilities, I like what you’ve got going on here @czottmann.

I’d love to find a way to get it into my workflow, but having recently switched to Zen Browser as my daily driver, I’m in a holding pattern. If you’re not familiar, it’s a sort of an open-source spiritual successor to Arc Browser, based on Firefox. It’s still relatively early days for the browser, but has been gaining in popularity as of late.

Hoping to one day give it a shot with Browser Actions!

Hi @galligan, welcome to the forum!

I’ve checked Zen Browser (hadn’t heard about it before). Looks nice, indeed. Unfortunately, while it comes with some scripting capabilities (i.e., an AppleScript dictionary), those offer just bare-bones high-level foundation for scripting. For example, there’s no way to access browser windows or tabs right now. :man_shrugging:t2: It’s better than Firefox in that regard already (because FF has been a black box for 15+ years) but it’s not much of an API that Browser Actions could use.

So, not much I can do, I’m afraid.