Search failing?

Hey, I was looking at the example here Search Notes With Omnisearch - ActionsDotWork Knowledge Base and tried to run it locally on my iPhone but it returns an error “The operation couldnt be completed… evaluating h.path” (or similar). See attached. Whilst I realise this is only an example, I did not expect it to fail?

Now I am able to sucessfully add notes to my daily notes, I am looking for a way to begin searching :slight_smile:

Could you please check if both the Actions URI and OmniSearch plugins are current?

Also, what do the first two sections of your OmniSearch config look like (Indexing, Behavior)? It’s possible you’ve discovered a case I hadn’t dealt with yet.

Thanks for the pointer. I updated the OmniSearch plugin and now I do not get the error. However, whatever search term I give it, it cannot find anything. I will add my omnisearch settings.

Does Omnisearch work as expected in Obsidian itself? Before I look into Actions URI working with Omnisearch, I want to ensure it’s not an issue with Omnisearch in general in your vault :wink:

(I spent too much time on bugs in the past that turned out to be problems with the customer’s vault, not AFO, hence the question.)

Yes I understand. Thanks. I just checked it by searching for some text I knew I added.
First in omnisearch and then next in afo.

Ah, now I understand! Thanks for the screenshots! Your Get Note action is misconfigured – you pass the “Repeat Item” var as argument to the “at file path”/“with title” parameter; the repeat item is neither, so the action then asks for a valid argument.

Also, the fact that the workflow ends up there means that Search Notes With Omnisearch returned a list, otherwise the Repeat With block wouldn’t have been executed. Looks like nothing is broken, that’s good :wink: