Typing in the frontmost app doesn't work in Browser

Moin Carlo,

nice new app. Setup was easy and since I’m now use to the steps, done without any problems. At the end there might be some more “security questions”, at least I was asked for giving permission manipulating Safari in this case. So I assume at the end I have a long list with apps permissions :wink:

Never the less I startet to play a little bit with it and find a little bug. In this example I use Safari, but with Chrome there was the same issue:

The action “In frontmost app, type https://forum.actions.work without modifiers” doesn’t work. There will be nothing typed into the URL-field. Using “Safari” instead of “frontmost app” everything is fine!

For testing I started Safari with the “Open App” action, just to see if the menu item select works with “frontmost” and it work! Also the “press “Space” key” action is for testing, if this would “clear” any existing text in the URL-Input. And “frontmost app” works in this case again.

Best Regards,

Thanks! Good catch, already fixed, will be rolled out in 0.9.1!

I knew I could count on you delivering the first bug report :call_me_hand:t3::wink:

You are welcome, I love to test new stuff :wink:

Have a nice weekend,

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