Unknown Action

I am having trouble getting Actions for Obsidian to show in shortcuts. I just installed the app
and configured. Am I missing something?

On iOS 17 and updating to the very latest now to see if that solves it

Welcome to the forum, @joel! No, you’re not missing anything, it’s just iOS/Shortcuts having a fit again.

When an app containing Shortcuts actions is installed, the operating system should automatically register them with Shortcuts, but sometimes it just doesn’t. I’m certain that’s a bug in iOS/macOS.

Unfortunately, apps can’t explicitly instruct the system to add actions to Shortcuts. But since it’s impossible to force the OS to look again, the first option is restarting the device .

If that doesn’t do the trick, please uninstall the app and reinstall it again. So far, in most reported cases this solved the problem, and the actions appeared in Shortcuts.

Let me know how it works out!