Beta 0.9.2 (2024-06-04)

Thanks to all beta testers who let me know about bugs or issues, or hit me up with suggestions – I got some good feedback, please keep it up!

Download the current beta version here or, if you’re on an earlier version, check for updates in the app.

New stuff

Some initial documentation can be found on the forum now. It’s a work in progress, bear with me (and chime in!).

I’ve implemented basic window support:

  • Get Windows lets you fetch all or select windows of a specific app.
  • Filter List of Windows allows you to whittle down a list of windows to find the right one.
  • Focus Window makes a passed-in window the app’s focused one.
  • Maximize Windows maximizes or un-maximizes the passed-in window. This is equivalent to selecting the “Zoom” menu item from the application’s Windows menu.
  • Minimize Windows minimizes or un-minimizes the passed-in window.
  • Move/Resize Window lets you change a window’s size and/or position.
  • Is This Window …? tells you whether a window is its app’s main window, is minimized, or fullscreen, etc.

That’s the starter set, there’s more to come soon. I might’ve mentioned it before, though – I want to get the basics right before I start adding the convenience actions.

The “Simulate Specific Key” action gained support for the fn key modifier.


  • Renames “Menus” category to “Menus & Menu Items”
  • Renames “Get Y Reference” intents into “Get Y”, less confusing
  • Moves “Get Menu Item” intent into “Menus & Menu Items” category
  • Menu Item title filtering was completely rewritten.
  • When launching an app, give it max 5s to do so before failing