Jump to Section in Note

Moin @czottmann, thanks for putting AfO out – Recently stumbled over it and looking forward to explore all that it can do.

To start off with a simple question: Is there a way to jump to a specific part in a note?

My use case is simple: My daily note has both a part of the Morning and the Evening. With that, I’d like for my shortcut to take me to the right section directly.

As far as I know I can currently only specify “Daily Note” and my Vault, wondering if there is a way to specify the section e.g. “##Evening


Moin, welcome to the forum, @LikeShootingStars!

Short answer: Currently there isn’t a way to do that, sorry. :neutral_face: I’ll see what I can do — I’ll put it down as a feature request!

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Thanks @czottmann – Much appreciated!