Newsletter 2023-10-10

Archived version.

Hello, Productivity Friends!

My name is Carlo and I’m the author of the Actions for Obsidian app for macOS & iOS, and Browser Actions for macOS. You’re receiving this email because you signed up for updates about the ActionsDotWork apps on my website some time ago.


Browser Actions: Your TestFlight starts today!

I’m happy to finally announce the start of TestFlight Beta for my new app!

Browser Actions (macOS 13.3+) adds well-rounded macOS Shortcuts support for Brave Browser, Chromium, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Vivaldi. And Safari!

It comes with new actions for creating, accessing, manipulating tabs and windows. It also allows you to work with web pages, like getting data out of them (current text, current selection, current DOM document, etc.), or automating them by clicking links and elements, or filling out forms. It’s pretty cool, I think. :sweat_smile:

If you’re interested, please …

  1. join the mailing list-only TestFlight here, and
  2. read the “Welcome to TestFlight Beta” post for infos on what to expect and where to start!

It’s a good idea to keep an eye on the Browser Actions message board as it’s the best place for giving feedback, getting ideas, and discussing the beta. You can sign in there with your Apple/ GitHub/ Google accounts, pretty convenient!


Thanks for reading!

If you have questions or ideas for actions or tutorial videos, or have written or recorded something about my apps, please email me, say Hi on Mastodon, or post on the ActionsDotWork Forum! I’m always happy to chat with customers! :call_me_hand:t3:

Thanks again for your interest in my work, it means a lot to me :pray:t3:

Talk to you soon,
– Carlo