Notes for Calendar Events

What This Workflow Does

  1. Fetches a list of all events for today from a single calendar.
  2. For each event in this list, a new related note will be created in Obsidian, in a folder named “Meeting Notes”, containing key details.
  3. The link to the Obsidian note will be appended to its related event.
  4. All new notes will be appended to the current Daily Note.

Please note:[1] The workflow assumes there’s a current daily note.


Download Notes for Calendar Events.shortcut workflow. Double-click the downloaded file to install the workflow in Apple Shortcuts.


  • Actions for Obsidian
  • Apple Calendar
  • Obsidian

Workflow Screenshot

Workflow history / Change log


Adjusts vault handling to work with AFO 2024.1.


Fixes the mystery of the silently failing “If” block for calendar entries with an empty Notes attribute. Thanks to TK for the heads-up!


Updated the downloadable workflow with a correctly Apple-signed version. Same workflow, just installable now. Sorry for the hiccup!


First version.

  1. Pun not intented. ↩︎

Quick question, this uses the note filed to add the link to the calendar event, in my testing this causes an update to the meeting and sends the obsidian link out to all parties, which is very confusing.

Is there anyway to add a check if the meeting exists without that link? Like with data jar or something like that?


Quick question, this uses the note filed to add the link to the calendar event, in my testing this causes an update to the meeting and sends the obsidian link out to all parties, which is very confusing.

True, but to be fair, the idea of the workflow is the two-way connection between notes and calendar events, i.e. adding a way to click a link in the note to get to the event and the other way around. :wink:

But I can see your point. So what are you trying to achieve? You want a note per event but you do not want to link back from the event to the note, correct?

Sidenote: If you’re looking for “invisible” connections (i.e., local, private), then maybe Hookmark is worth a look.

This is a very helpful shortcut.
I would like to achieve the following in addition:

  1. I would like to customize the selection - be able to select which event I would like to create a new related note.
  2. Be able to bring the attendees in the meeting and create a people profile for each of the attendees using a people template. This will later help me to run a dataview query or write a people MOC, regarding the interactions with the attendees in a period of time or on a particular topic.
  3. How to bring minute of the meeting ( recorded by meeting note taker) from a mail to the meeting note which is created through the shortcut.

objective is essentially to achieve for every project - create/record the meetings and the people involved and what each one says.

I inspired from this shortcut but created for Fantastical. It works perfect! I automated it for 2 am in the morning. So, I see my daily notes ready when I start work in the morning.

Nicely done, @acar, and welcome to the forum! :call_me_hand:t3:

Workflow updated: Adjusted vault handling to work with AFO 2024.1.

Hey, this sounds very much like my manual workflow currently!
However we use Outlook on the Mac, any idea if its possible to get events out of this. I guess at a push I could set my Mac Calendar to sync with Outlook, though I would rather not!

The other thing is, I don’t want any of this updating my actual calendar. Can I just remove step 3, so Obsidian links are not added to my calendar?

However we use Outlook on the Mac, any idea if its possible to get events out of this.

I have no idea if Outlook support Shortcuts or AppleScript or anything, I’m afraid. :frowning:

The other thing is, I don’t want any of this updating my actual calendar. Can I just remove step 3, so Obsidian links are not added to my calendar?

Of course, just remove the updating of the calendar entry. And maybe configure Create Note to avoid creating a new note on each subsequent run (“dealing with an existing note”).

I am getting the following error. I have the daily note already in my valut in the folder Daily Notes. Can you please help?

Welcome to the forum, @Sai_Kumar_Ramadugu!

To be honest, I see no reason why this is happening, actually – because the variable mentioned by the error is a direct return value from the Find Calendar Events action above it (in the form of a Repeat Item in the Repeat with Each loop). The workflow doesn’t rewrite or manipulate that result at all, and the Text block only uses it (i.e., it isn’t modified there, either).

I’m scratching my head, too. I can’t reproduce the issue but this has the smell of a Shortcuts hiccup. I know this sounds very “IT Department support answer” but I recommend restarting the device – this reboots the entire Shortcuts system, and more than once, that has helped me in the past.

Thanks for your reply.
Ok, I ditched the idea of outlook and it will be easier to connect Apple calendar to get my work events. In the meantime I added a test event, changed the calendar to ‘Home’ and set my vault etc in your shortcut/workflow.

When I run it, mostly it seems to work.

  1. It adds the URL currently to the iCal event.
  2. It adds a link to a note ad the end of my daily note
  3. The link takes me to a note, which is correctly located in the right folder with in Obsidian (I had to adjust that in your shortcut to match my settings).
    However the note does not contain any data from the calendar event.
    What seems to happen is it also creates a temporary note, which is stored in some local temporary folder, and this note seems to contain the correct information, although the title/name of the note is note correct. I will add some screenshots which may show this better.

Any advice very welcome. Thanks!

Re temp folder: That is correct, you’re looking under Shortcuts’ hood there :wink: So that’s all good.

Re empty note: Are you 100% certain you’re using the correct note body (= Text result) in Create Note? Because the action will not complain if you call it w/o a note body, yet the note itself was created by AFO.

Do you mean here? I don’t recall changing that part?

Yes, that one. But the screenshot doesn’t fully show the connection to the right Text block. Just check that it’s the right one by right-clicking → “Select Variable”, then clicking the correct var.

Sorry, I wish the Shortcuts editor was clearer and less obtuse – it makes debugging from afar a bit tiresome. :wink:

No need to apologise, steep learning curve for me but I can see how useful this will all be, once I can get it working. See screenshot.

Good, thanks. Assuming you haven’t changed any variables or their names since taking those screenshots, I see a potential issue.

Your Create Note action uses the variable “File Path” while Get Note Link uses “Full note file path”. Are these two identical, or do they differ?

Brilliant! Thank you. I have no idea how I changed this. It is NOW working as expected.

It is not working? Or was that a typo? :wink:

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Haha, corrected, sorry too excited to type correctly :slight_smile: